If you are using WhatsApp on your phone then you should be aware of the OTP scams that are going on these days and could lead to a big financial scam and loss. As per the latest details WhatsApp has become one of the latest targets for scammers and hackers who are using OTP tricks to access the account. Since WhatsApp is used widely around the globe, it contains a lot of sensitive information about the users and account details.
Also, the conversation on WhatsApp holds a lot of sensitive information which is why hackers have been attacking the app to collect it. The current scam that is ongoing, allows the scammers to hack into the WhatsApp account using an OTP. A user will be getting a message on WhatsApp from an unknown number which will claim the user that they are a friend and in a sort of emergency. The hacker will then ask for the OTP which was sent to your number mistakenly.
If any such case happens with you, one simply needs to end the conversion and block the number, otherwise sending the OTP will give complete access to the account and the backup messages to the hacker. Since WhatsApp is going to bring multi-device support soon, it will not be easy for the users to identify if the account is running on more than one device. Therefore, any message asking you for an OTP or PIN should be completely ignored, and also, users should enable two-step verification on the account.