Telegram has been adding a whole new set of features to its platform to give tough competition to its competitor WhatsApp. Now the company is rolling out yet another update with v 7.1.1, which would bring a lot of new features to the existing platform. The new update to the Telegram apps includes Search Filters, a Remain Anonymous toggle for group admins, Channel Comments support, and some cool new animation effects.
One of the major highlights of the added features would be the new search filter which lets you find shared media, links, files, chats, music, and more based on a couple of different criteria. Searching media on Telegram was a bit challenging before and now with the update, it will become much easier. You can now search for files by the type, time period, and even source. You can also search for files that have been shared by a particular person, group, or channel. Telegram has been one of the major choices of people who wanted to protest over such a platform as its privacy-focused nature will never let the details of the group admin be exposed.
Now Telegram is adding another layer of protection for people who organize such protests. The new Remain Anonymous setting to Admin rights for groups, where admins will be able to add the message anonymously. Apart from these features, you will also notice a lot of new animation and graphics including new GiF images. To test out all the new features simply update your Telegram app.