Telegram has been adding a lot of new updates to its app over the time of the last few months, making it more feature-packed against its competitor WhatsApp. It is currently one of the best messaging platforms for power users and is the most globally available app as well. The company has now added another set of useful features to the app, which is going to make the app more user friendly.
One of those features is Pinned messages 2.0, which would allow the user to pin multiple messages in the chat at one time. They can also switch between them by tapping on the top bar of the chat window or view all of them on a separate page by tapping on the new button located at the right side of the top bar. The feature will work on group chats, channels, and individual chats as well.
Another great feature is the Live Location 2.0 which allows the users to set up an alert when they come closer to the friend who has shared the live location. Also, the icons on the map now show in which direction the user is facing. The playlist is another feature through which you can share multiple songs together with the other users on chat, and can be played using the inbuilt media player.
Channel Post Status is a feature for admins to check the stats of individual posts in the channel as well as a list of public channels to which a post was forwarded to. Apart from these new animations and emojis have also been added through an update, which would make interaction with other users more enjoyable.