Developers Square Enix has done an incredible job by introducing Final Fantasy into the hub of non-RPG gaming. Fans got engaged in some Chocobo racing, favorite tunes in rhythmic games, and also got addicted to card-based mini-games. But right when the game upgraded itself and stepped into the realm of RPGs, a classic was introduced in the gaming industry.
Final Fantasy game is regarded as great tactics-based RPGs. The war between noble factions in the Ivalice kingdom came to define the absorbing storyline. On the other hand, the incredible battle sequences also pushed it to the legendary status amongst its hardcore RPG crowd.
We suppose you have experienced everything that Final Fantasy has to offer. If that’s the case, allow this post to bring eight strategy RPG games like Final Fantasy. When you’re in the mood to play complex battles, the following titles are indeed a must-try gaming addition.
Below are the List of Games Like Final Fantasy
Kingdom Hearts 3

As a collaboration between Square Enix and Disney, Kingdom Hearts combines the Final Fantasy characters and aesthetics with different Disney franchises. While playing the game, one can recognize the elements of Final Fantasy characters in protagonist Sora & his friends. The reason behind this is that they share the designer in Tetsuya Normura. A couple of Final Fantasy characters have cameos in the series of Kingdom Hearts.
The reason why it’s famous for being one of the best Final Fantasy similar games is because of the story. Some people say that it’s entirely because it makes absolutely no sense, while others feel that Sora is extremely protective of his friends & would go beyond his limits to save them.
Chrono Trigger

Players admire the Final Fantasy game and consider it one of the Final Fantasy like games for its sprawling story and memorable characters. If you wish to play a game having the same kind of storyline and characters, consider playing Chrono Trigger. There’s no surprise in saying that Chrono Trigger combines the talents of Final Fantasy developers Dragon Quest and Hinorobu Sakaguchi and creator Yuji Horii.
Frequently termed as one of the great Games like final Fantasy today, it offers an intriguing storyline alongside multiple endings. It comes combined with different JRPG themes (one of them is friendship). So, get your hands on Chrono Trigger if you are seeking one of the Final Fantasy like games.
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition

Final Fantasy is known as one of the Final Fantasy similar games exclusively for its haughty player characters. Let’s ignore Vahn & Tidus! They’re those types of folks who appear not to bother for a long time yet finally become unwilling heroes. Yuri Lowell, from Vesperia, is a dry-witted cynic with a pure heart.
You’ll enjoy following him around the realm of Terca Lumireis, and as soon as you’re done, many additional games are there to uncover. And each of them has its own tale. One more resemblance to the Final Fantasy game is that every game edition tries a different and new thing, with various degrees of success.
Dragon Quest 11: Echoes of an Elusive Age

While playing Dragon Quest, ensure that you get the best experience. By now, fans already consider Dragon Quest 11 as one of the games similar to Final Fantasy that has mostly left no stones unturned in this gaming universe. From bright colors to a slightly medieval feel, from characters portraying the knights of legend to a war between countries: this game has it all!
Just in case you are looking into something you can keep on playing during the long and boring hours, surround yourself with the large cast of characters and go on the quest to save a vibrant world on one of the Best games like final Fantasy – Dragon Quest 11.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2

If you like open-world JRPGs, then Xenoblade Chronicles does it better than the Final Fantasy XV since this realm of Alrest is just a delight to explore. You do not require playing the first Xenoblade Chronicles in order to start with the game.
Xenoblade Chronicles is one of the most popular JRPGs with an epic plot that is equal parts stunning and a little too much at times. It has the standard villain hellbent on finishing the planet, but this game is far more complex than that.
Secret of Mana

Secret of Mana is one of the most intriguing and best games like Final Fantasy. It’s yet another Square’s early franchises that have been popular in the world of RPGs.
The story remains extremely engaging, while the music is astounding. If you intend to play this game, ensure that it’s the original (that’s available on the Nintendo Switch). You can get it for your PC as well as PS4 console.
Lost Odyssey

One more Free game like final Fantasy is Lost Odyssey. Upon leaving Square Enix, the Final fantasy game creator Hinorobu Sakaguchi formed the company named Mistwalker. That one is Mistwalker. However, arguably most traditional, Lost Odyssey used the turn-based battle system with the grown-up characters from the Final Fantasy games such as 8 & 10.
It features a setting that combines the medieval with the inklings of technological advancements. This story also touches fans’ heart and hold equal importance.
Valkyria Chronicles

Valkyria Chronicles is the last and final game similar to final Fantasy which embraces the strategy RPG elements. Not just that, it ensures to change of formula by incorporating active movement & gunplay (third-person).
Kudos to the two fundamental factors, where gamers have showered series with praise! Fortunately, every mainline game offers compelling storylines. If you wish to play this game, download it now.
So, you have seen the eight best Games similar to final Fantasy in this post. Now that you have learned about them in brief, download one of them and embark on an intriguing gaming journey!