Incoming Intel CEO talks about Intel not being able to deliver better products when compared to the M1 chipset from Apple

After Apple announced the new Mac lineup with the M1 chipset, it caused a big loss for Intel as Apple was one of their prominent clients. However, that was not the only case, in fact, the M1 chipset gave a much better performance than the Intel chipset when being used on the Macbook. Due to this, Incoming Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger has said that the company should be focusing more on delivering better products than Apple and also said that “Intel’s best days are in front of them.” 

Speaking at an Intel all-hands meeting yesterday, Gelsinger derisively implied that Apple is merely a “lifestyle company,” so Intel must be able to surpass its technology. As per his official statement, “We have to deliver better products to the PC ecosystem than any possible thing that a lifestyle company in Cupertino. We have to be that good, in the future.” Gelsinger will replace Bob Swan as Intel CEO and have already been in the company for 30 years before leaving it in 2009. Currently, Intel is facing multiple threats in the market as it had a major drop from Apple as they will no longer be using their chipset

At the same time, Intel has not been able to provide the market with any revolutionary product in a very long time. The company has also reported a lot of delay in processor manufacturing and development, giving a big competitive edge to rival AMD. Now the company will be trying to shake up its business model to make sure that they retain their space in the market.


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